We are a non-profit organization that has provided local children with an opportunity to participate in a supervised, organized, and safe instructional environment for over 40 years.
We practice at Highland Goffes Falls School Football Field. The practices will be 4 nights a week, Monday – Thursday from 6:00 -8:30 PM (10 hours a week). Once school begins, practice will be 3 nights a week typically Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s from 5:45 – 8:00 pm with games being on Sunday’s. Game times may vary depending on which level your son/daughter is playing.
Our league is a non-profit organization that runs strictly on volunteers. We encourage all parents/families to help and be a part of this great organization. We strongly believe that academic fitness is an important part of sports participation. The New Hampshire Youth Football and Spirit Conference (NHYFSC) provide scholarships annually through an Academic Awards Program.